why do armenians drive nice cars

Two sets of pissed-off parents *chuckle*. That has a sociological explanation too if you wanna hear it. The takeaway was nice around town collectors car, never to be driven on the highwaythen I saw one on the 405 that weekend, crazy. There is something to be said about the opportunity cost involved with taking the car in/tow, getting a shuttle, and picking it up. Not sure that metric is so useful. (it is my boat on the lake). It can take a lot and heal itself as long as you dont push it over the edge. 19.7% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. Who cares how old it is. Im an attorney in private practice, and I wanted to upgrade my vehicle to have me look more successful. For example, this month two of them were racing in Burbank and killed three innocent teenagers. Ukraine people strong! Exactly. I love my small city ~300k people. The majority of my posts are here. You lose!!!! Just need to take all operating costs into consideration, plus how much the happiness factor plays into it. Others will get there too, just like your family has. And more often than not, hospitals and clinics are in a bad part of town, and shifts can start and end at all times of the day and night. He stated he lived in where there was a large Armenian population so he naturally was exposed to them frequently and/or he might be biased because of that. So anytime you see someone driving normal, most likely Armenian. In fact, I traded that car in on a Toyota . We don't have any Armenian specials. Never a breakdown. I moved to North Hollywood area almost 2 years ago and before that I had only met one Armenian person my entire life, so I had no stereotypes of Ar Cars are depreciating assets, simple as that. I put in a new stereo myself to do hands-free calling and navigation. and to be honest, I think its because when it came to the others I might not have given it my best to make it work because deep down inside I was feeling that I COULD/MIGHT disappoint the "parental control"! At least both of us abandon the concept of wrenching to save money. That stuff is heinous. maybe I need to check out Armenia to understand this. Have you considered moving to a smaller city? Many docs in her group have fallen asleep while driving home and crashed. But I've noticed a similar trend in Mexicans but not with cars. Living like an attending as a resident. I know Im spending a few grand extra per year on vehicles which we could be putting away for retirement or otherwise, and as such were borrowing against our futures, but I have peace of mind knowing she wont have any problems getting around town with her rotations and that I dont have to worry near as much about me or her being injured in a collision. Does that mean the resident is doing something wrong? At least that was the only fee they could find for me. I was stranded a grand total of one time for about 6 minutes while waiting for someone to come along to jump it. Anyone arguing otherwise is already a lost cause. Im all for personal decisions and choosing what you want but if youre on white coat investor. About 90 grand new after rebates, but I make 400 grand a year and have a net worth of 1.5 million so the car is 7 percent of my net worth. It depends on the individuals personal choices and life! -Needed a new fuel pump. It really was not until I moved from NY I see that people are racist and I hate it. I burned through a clutch beating on a lovely high-end Nissan Maxima back in the day during a 3 year lease. The reason is that people think the law is for police to fine citizens. stop defending yourself. The Volvo and pickup have had issues, but they never quite died on either of us. It may not matter to many people, especially here, but thinking more broadly about appeal. I did date others though but it just happened that fell in love with an Iranian Armenian. Cops just give everyone a ticket that goes 5mph over speed limit. (Yes, we are trying to singlehandedly kill the planet.). And doesn't that contradict what you said earlier about driving benzes? Bought my first brand new car right out of med school drove it for 14 years. The next thing I will do is admit defeat. My first priority is financial independence or a solid trajectory towards it. A new attending driving a beater may have 5-50%. But I must admit Im often tempted to write the check to pay one off. Youll even find realtors that use public transport. I might very well be mistaken), Mexicans of a lower socioeconomic status really dont give a fuck about tomorrow. If you tracked the repair and maintenance numbers carefully, I think youll find the used car is almost always less expensive with more time involved for those things. Another couple reported paying much less, 9500 dram. It's a good thing. Teslas are great. #pottymouth! Drive a 10 year old car and you will be way ahead. It has never broken down and Ive never missed work due to vehicle problems. I decided to take the insurance money and 3K cash and buy a 2009 Volvo with 27K miles on it instead of a 2015 Subaru Forester for 0% financing (payment wouldve been about $200/month) or an hybrid-electric Ford Fusion. Weak! If love to hear about all the other perks this city job offers. I guess I'll start with a few disclosures. He also has kept a beloved 1995 toyota pickup from high school. You can buy it at the border, but it is cheaper to buy it online via ASWA, which aggregates all the Armenian insurance companies. #KC'speople ------------------It's not because they're lebanese. Have about 200 thousand miles and lost about 7% range. Armenia was the first country to I consider it a luxury, though I spent half of what many people I know spend on a new car. Here we discuss Armenian roads and road rules, insurance, customs clearance, car rental and repair. And yeah, we're saying the same thing lol.David S very impressive. Life is dangerous. The culture is very strong and full of correct paths that it will be difficult for a different race to creat a family with an Armenian. The authors arguments illustrate precisely why personal finance requires very few math skills, but plenty of stop making excuses skills for spending money. ***Proud Tesla Owner.I paid cash though. Maybe they hit financial independence a month earlier if they do that their entire life. But driving that same car in Ohio would be a total waste of money and resources. With Armenians, its a bit different. And those who dont care wont even notice. Before you know it, youre justifying 3 michelin star restaurants every night. Dr. Dahle makes a lot of very fair points. Driving, especially an automobile with an expensive price tag, We get married and pay off vette and student loans. Not only do I consider it a badge of honor to drive a beater, Im sure Ive saved a bundle over the years on insurance and car payments. . The number of Armenian have decreased soo much with force that Armenians have to avoid interracial marriage for decades to save the old race that survived for centuries. David S. says:More detailed is, Armenians have been a developed race for over 6,000 years, a race with a history of kingdoms, religion, artists, writers, etc. I take public transportation to and from work probably 80% of the time. That's better than a kick in the teeth, but it isn't going to change their lives by any means. But realize that what you drive will affect the rate at which you move from non-rich to rich in significant ways, especially if you don't have a mid six figure income. If you're rich, drive whatever you want. I havent owned a car since 2008, so I may not have any authority to say anything here, but you can bet that when we do own cars in the future they will be used fuel-efficient machines. if you generalize like that it will fall on every culture not just all ArmeniansNo matter what ethnicity you are, you choose how you want to live your life! Nice post. While this may be true, its not absolute. Our notes are at 1.49% and 1.79%, and any savvy physician with good credit should be able to obtain those rates or better. I am a melting pot guy and I believe most white people are that way now. But everyone in my immediate family has an extremely expensive car. Think of the multiplication problem here. But I suppose in your case your wife is commuting out of the war zone and into the suburbs . Like any electric car, its fine for commuting but lousy for road trips. Moving to Indiana is not a great option since kids definitely benefit from many parks in walking distance, plus my 15-minute bus ride to work and ability to get home in 10-minutes on Uber if needed for kids). Sold it and bought a bicycle when starting med school. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes when I say this. That's called a splurge- when you buy something you can afford because it will make you happier. While a financially independent doc driving a nice car might be at 0.1%. Get the party started, bust out the arak. Do my own wrenching? Diesel Truck for towing. Im not buying a tank just to protect my family. Beyond easier. We have one car because we only have one parking spot. Realtors spend a lot of hours in the car. Cheap not hot chicks at such a classy joint?? The very frugal car buyer can keep a used car going seemingly forever with supposedly little to no work. All this would make sense if the author was pictured in front of a Toyota Camry instead of a BMW. I had friends who were inter racial and it made no difference to us if I were to date someone of there race. Are we exceptionally bad compared to the the rest? Same model, same trim package. Moderated to ensure a place for civil, open-minded and constructive dialogue where everyone is welcome to participate. I (and the rest of my family) have successfully managed to do both. 1 week later someone ignores my green light and totals my new car. Wifi in your car is really just a built in cell phone and data plan. It is infinitesimal! That car is a little more niche and as suck will be much more expensive to fix/maintain that a honda accord etc. It is a splurge. Your email address will not be published. recently bought a 2013 luxury suv w/ <20k miles on it. They look like a typical corner used car lot with cars packed in, but they have a lot of nice cars. Mot "non//gargantuan" C. says: who cares? It is my splurge for myself as I wanted to provide something better for my kids. But yea, if youre in Boston, NYC, DC, Chicago, San Francisco etc Ubering/sharing/renting a car can be a cost-effective and convenient alternative to car ownership. I am glad I made this thread I learned a lot. Check out our custom tour offer: competitive prices, tailored to your needs and wants. Insurance is mandatory in Armenia since April 2018.The minimum insurance period is 10 days, but you can get insurance for longer periods as well. Reddit's most popular sub for everything related to Armenia! This question is of interest not only to the Armenians themselves, but also to representatives of other nationalities. I judge people by character not by their ethnicity or race. Having said that, IMO the Glendale Armenians are for the most part really arrogant, obn After that, I recommend you enjoy the good life however you want to define that. A brand new, fully warrantied large sedan like a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry can be bought for about $20,000 or leased for under $250 a month. Generally, having to pull over on the highway with traffic flying by can be a frightening experience. Larger vehicles, big sedans and large SUVs, tend to be the safest places to be on the road, and this is backed up by statistics and the laws of physics. If I were a doctor that didnt have to do any marketing for my professional practice, then I would still be driving the Subaru or more precisely I would have traded it for another Subaru with an automatic transmission. In some cases, that means going for the luxurious brands. You could have just stopped there and asked a simple question: When does the argument for new = better/safer/more efficient/less stress/higher productivity/lots and lots and lots of other things ever end? A single breakdown per year could easily wipe out any savings by driving a beater car. And again, this post was not intended to be about the author, but about the readers in general. Buying a car for reduced stress is just justification. Realtors that drive luxury cars do it because they believe it helps their business. A nicer classy car to go out in or travel long distance or go out with kids such as an Aucra MDX, AUDI Q7, BMW X5, or maybe a large 4 door sedan what you want to spend your money on, how much savings you want to have, and you prioritize your life accordingly, its not an Armenian thing ! Good for innovation, slightly worse for buyers. If you arent in the beater camp (Im not for my wife/kids) I 100% agree this is the way to go. This was a response to the transmission-plagued Dodge Durango that the editor has praised previously. Even a five year loan only gets you to $12,000 or about half the purchase price. Consider the guy who was watching a movie a few months ago while the Tesladrove itself.. So in essence they are the original Caucasians. The reason that Armenians rich is: 1. they hard working people. Don't be cheap. You asked him to elaborate on why the culture might cease to exist, and he did. Plus, I feel worse every time the kids slam the brand new doors into neighboring cars (including our other Sequoia in the garage.) These were the neighbor countries of Armenia that frightened and decreased the number of Armenians for centuries and until today. Or is this just exaggeration by angry drivers. If you sell low-budget homes, driving a luxury car might make the buyer think youre overcharging on commission, and theyll try to bring it down even when its low enough. Just got home from dropping it off to see if they can do something so it passes the smog test. Are you Armenian? These were the neighbor countries of Armenia that frightened and decreased the number of Armenians for centuries and until today. I don't understand. are you or are you not? But your point is valid-a very quick way for a doc to get ahead is to move inland where doctors are still the rich folks in town. Yeah, they actually are considered white. I want to see what happens if it's a Turkish guy. Armenians are the best drivers here. The racial makeup of the city was 63.6% White, 1.6% Black or African American, 0.3% Native American, 16.1% Asian American, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 8.6% from other races, and 10.1% from two or more races. 4. nobody (including me) is judging you. By comparison, many residents and attending physicians only have one car and they need it to run reliably every day. Why do Armenians and Azeris pretend to be European? Owning reliable car doesnt have to be expensive. This is because they follow the old Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the modern Gregorian calendar. My only interest in cars is the technology/environment angle. The rest of us will get there too lol.-------------------------------------------All my family has Savings, Life insurance and 401Ks. We havent been here long, and yet manage to do that. To us, it seems like the self-driving car technology is not far enough along to justify the price. I dont know that theres some big difference in buying a car thats within ten years old, but much older than that and newer cars really do fare much better in crashes. But it could also be for comfort and personal branding. Spending a little extra money on quality, reliable transportation is a sound financial investment which is easily affordable for virtually every physician. I have lived or worked in Glendale and have for over 16 years. My best friend is Armenian. Glendale is ranked one of the safest cities in the U.S., enjoy your culture. This is too long already, so I'll keep it short. please stop being culturally relevant to what your life has offered you. I did it. For more details, see our guide to Armenian border crossings. can someone please tell me what the correlation is between driving an expensive car and living in an apartment??? David S. says:Armenians are one of the oldest races that still exist, they are very small in number and that means it will be very easy to disappear from existance if interracial marriages become common for Armenian women. For virtually every physician relevant to what your life has offered you must admit im tempted... 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