disadvantages of being a second wife islam

After Allah sent down that verse, acting on the order of the Messenger of Allah, those who had more than four wives divorced the extra ones. She honestly and truly CANNOT BEAR IT. Yusuf Ali: By no means shall ye attain righteousness unless ye give (freely) of that which ye love; and whatever ye give, of a truth Allah knoweth it well. All the above shows that there is really no marriage between the both parties. What can i do? Relationship conflict is natural and can happen with even the happiest of couples, says Kranti, But in a second marriage, it will almost inevitably flare up. Romantic love comes and goes. Al Islam Guide Provides Islamic Knowledge and Famous Books of Islam to help Muslim Community.Jazaka Allah Khair, 2023 Al-Islam Guide. Divorce and remarriage are hardly unheard of but because they shatter the myth of that one perfect marriage and one soulmate, there is still a certain amount of stigma attached. The greatest fear for Muslim women is the triple talaaq axe. Its a lot to take on and the fact that youve chosen to do so says a lot about you. Being that sexual needs are dependant on our psychological and emotional needs, it would be denying him not only his rights but it would be unhealthy and oppressive and inviting unwanted consequences. youre over there thinking, The ex has the kids for Christmas Bummer. To punish her because she doesn't do everything you want her to do all the time? Islam has allowed the believing men to keep a maximum of four wives at any one time, on the condition that the man will treat all his wives with justice and equality in the things that are in his power and control, like his time, his wealth, gifts, etc. The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Hajah) or Istikhara? In the first day he arrived back here in Saudi, i sent a message to his wife asking for an apology for one of the reason causing her pain, a give a her nice message because i thought that she accepted it and everything is okay, but suddenly i received her responsed and she was very angry , Even she told me that in every prayer she will pray for my suffering and unhappiness in life. We can contact each other So that I can support you. Also, his first wife, Diane, is still much loved by the neighbors and general community so I could feel that they thought I didnt quite measure up, that I was different, says Chantal. However, Love actually is sacrifice. I had to get used to being introduced as Maxs wife and seeing the surprise on peoples faces sometimes. Alhamdullilah that i found this site. And you don't want that to happen do you? Allah will grant you someone honest and better than him inshallah, First off, you arent married yet..so you dont HAVE to accept his proposal..you are in NO WAY OBLIGATEDif you KNOW you arent going to be happy in this sort of arrangement dont do it..and also..if a man cannot be honest in his intentions then..i would question marrying him in the first place.being in this sort of marriage is a choice..it isnt an obligation and ALLAHswt doesnt demand you do it. That doesn't mean you are forced to live that way, if you cannot tolerate it. She doesn't understand why the first wife is mad because although polygamy is new and difficult to OP, the first wife is a born Muslim and it should be part of her culture like Mormons have it. You might want to start laying the groundwork while youre dating and before marriage, so you dont walk into a household of extreme hostility. She believes that everyone should make room for love in their lives and encourages couples to work on overcoming their challenges together. She left what she considered "normal" when she accepted Islam. Are you 100% sure that he just has one more wife besides the current wife? But honestly, if your significant other has already had a wedding, who cares? Your holidays will be more complicated than you think, Going beyond the conventional frame of marriage and relationships takes a lot of courage and consideration even though remarriages are more easily accepted these days, Youll constantly feel that your spouse gives more importance to his first wife and kids than he does to you, Youll wonder if they control his schedule and decisions more than you do, Youll compare yourself to them constantly and always think youre falling short, A sense of insignificance will make you hate being a second wife even more, You may end up trying to influence your husbands life choices more than his ex-wife, Take your time but try to learn to turn a blind eye to the critiques of your marriage, Initially, the finances could be a little tight but you can always split costs and manage the expenses efficiently, Instead of letting the ex-wife intimidate you, you can handle the relationship with grace and accept her as a part of your life, Communicate with your husband about how much he wants you involved in the lives of the kids and dont overstep those boundaries, Build your home filled with love and happiness just like any other newly married couple, The societal stigma is big distress in a second marriage, Your wedding may not be that special as he can be uncomfortable going through the same rituals again, You have to be patient in dealing with his relationship with his ex-spouse and the kids, You have to be prepared to help him handle his financial crunches and emotional baggage, You can try not to treat it as a second marriage and enjoy your life with the man you love. As a second wife, you need to face marriage with both a stiff upper lip and a wry sense of humor. If you accept this marriage then it is manifest that your rational faculty has gone a vacation. Comparison only feeds these feelings, and theres absolutely no upside to holding yourself up against your spouses ex.. Here are 9 challenges of being a second wife to watch out for: Oh, this is your second wife. There is just something you feel from people when they realize you are the second wife; like you are the consolation prize, only second place. Not a considerate man. It was the deception this man used. Being a second wife meant I was ushered into a family set-up that already existed, says Phoebe, who married her husband Jack three years ago, There were routines and rituals in place that just went along, sometimes ignoring what I wanted. Accepting a non-traditional relationship, Second Marriage After 40 What to Expect, How To Work On Your Relationship With The Stepchildren: Experts View, Challenges Of Dating A Separated Man Going Through A Divorce, 7 Strategies To Stop Fighting In A Relationship, 9 Ways To Resolve Conflicts In Blended Families, 11 Expert Tips To Have A Successful Second Marriage, 5 Reasons Women Have Unhappy Toxic Second Marriages But Cant Leave, Divorce And Remarriage In India: Things You Should Know And Consider, He may not want any grandeur in the second marriage robbing you of your dream of walking down the aisle in a Donna Karan, He can be very cynical about the idea of eternal love and being with each other till death parts you because he has seen it get shattered in front of his eyes, You may feel like an outsider being around his ex-wife and the kids, adding to your pain of being a second wife, If both of you are divorced, there will be a lot more people involved in the scenario like both exes, the kids, and the ex and present in-laws. Should I tell my first wife about my secret second wife? Our reader Chloe shares her story of marrying a divorced man all the way from New Orleans. Depending on the source, divorce rates are pretty scary. He never stay to his wife for their four year of marriage, as he was working here in Saudi and she was in their home country, His only visiting her , 2x a year for maximum of 2 weeks vacation. 3. And also: Its not just a family, its a whole extended family and you may end up feeling like the proverbial square peg in a round hole. Also, if your husband has financial problems, he had no right to marry you in the first place. While a second marriage can be successful, its still a relationship composed of two imperfect people. IslamicAnswers.com Staff Photo Gallery. To accept being a second wife, you need to learn how to navigate them skillfully. It can be challenging when you expect those normally happen times of the year to be a certain way, but then they arent so much. A married couple that stays together can rack up plenty of debt, but what about a marriage that ends? I have grown in a culture that polygamy is not allowed, and its big haram to our family. if he didnt respect how you would feel and tell you this is what he wantedthen why should you marry him?>. So i forced him to go on his vacation and inform his wife about us, thou, it will be hard for him because his wife is his first cousin, their parents are siblings. This man isn't worth a second look. What are the disadvantages of being a second wife? Like many men, your husband is telling you one thing and telling his wife something totally different. i got to know him through a cousin of mine who introduced us to each other, exchanged pictures and we both liked each other, started communicating fell in love with each other. Its like when you are a kid, and you have had the same best friend since you were a baby; then, suddenly, in high school, you have a new best friend. Being a first wife has its own set of challenges that are difficult to compare with the second wife's challenges. Well, i my mind get full of thinking too much until i reached the point that i started to look job in other country to leave this place. Thats really when you become the bigger person., Related Reading: 7 Strategies To Stop Fighting In A Relationship. It simply is not right that anyone should ask her to live that way forever. You need witnesses before getting nikkah done, as well as holding a walimah (sunnah), so people will find out and it can spread. You cannot hurt somebody for selfish reasons, and call it "good". Its possible there are needs in the familys life that only she fulfills, for instance, if they are co-parenting after divorce, she will be around. As a slightly less romantic adult, I am endlessly fascinated by love stories. Therefore, the second wife will never feel the place like the first woman. The only things you absolutely CANNOT negotiate over in a marriage contract, are things that are required (like praying). This will be very helpful for me in the struggles that i am facing now. Sharing is really difficult, even if you have your eye on the afterlife. She could also have a good rapport with the in-laws, and could still be seeing them. But that doesnt mean we dont approach every love affair and marriage with hope and all the emotional intelligence we can muster. Or did he have haraam intentions? IslamicAnswers.com Staff Photo Gallery. Youll need to be understanding of the fact that the first wife will keep showing up in your spouses life, that she has her place, and you have yours. The second wife will face insecurity toward her husband which will take her in a severe sense of doubts and auspiciousness. 9 Challenges of Being the Second Wife - Marriage Polygamy in Islam: Why Can a Muslim Man Marry Multiple . Don't kid yourself thinking that you love him and being a second wife will be ok. Couples Therapy: Whats the Difference? As a highly romantic teen, I devoured romance novels. If the person in the second marriage who was married before didnt have children, then chances are they never have to even talk to their ex again. i hope you find some hobby interest maybe Art, quran memorising, hadith just something keep you busy so you dont think all these bad ideas. ". And in some circles, people wont hesitate to throw these numbers out casually in conversation. Yes, of course, there are some pivotal challenges like an overbearing ex-wife, but most of it is often cooked up in your head. Professor Scott Montgomery who led the study told The Daily Mail there are several theories explaining these results, everything from difficult relationships with in-laws to children and money. Secondly, did you try to understand why he did not tell you about his wife? I love my husband dearly, yet I WANT him to have another wife, insha Allah. His parents found him a new girl and Im left devastated. The stigma, the stares, the questions 2. Life is much harder for muslim women. Dont let your second-wife syndrome overwhelm everything else. What worries me is that this man never even told you about his first wife - if you hadn't randomly found out about her, he would probably have married you without even telling you anything. But later on, I realized a second marriage is about two people willing to learn from their past and live the rest of their lives together, happily..

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